Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Ideas Behind The Move

In order to find the correct move, it is necessary to first find out the correct plan. There are 2 ways to formulate a plan.

a) Work forwards ie. if I play this, my opponent plays this and so on and evaluate.

A nicer common idea is to:

b) Work backwards. Find out if the current board position matches up to a previous pattern you've seen before and how to get the pieces to the correct squares. If no pattern emerges, ask yourself, how best to checkmate your opponent then find out the steps to make this happen.

White to play

Yes, it's another puzzle and this one I just played a moment ago. And this one is not too easy but not overly hard (if you know what to look for).

White is obviously in a great position. How does White further press home the advantage?

When you're ready for the solution, scroll down below......

(blanks deliberately placed)

The move is

1. b6!! Do you see the idea? Now in this game, Black felt forced to take on b6 and replied with 1.... cxb6 (shown below)

Now comes the entire idea behind the whole b-pawn push......

2. Rh7! (threatening mate on a7) and now 2.... Bxh7 is met with
3. Rd7 (and unavoidable mate)


  1. I liked how accurate you were, and went for the tactic. Rd7 looked strong, but you went for the game-winner instead. Congrats! :-)

  2. Thanks LinuxGuy, at first glance... I have to admit that it wasn't easy to see it. But once I saw the potential mate with a Rook on a7, everything clicked into place. This position definitely required me to think of working backwards to arrive at the correct continuation.

  3. Oh I saw it! ...Rf7! Nice, Ra7 is fantastic...

  4. Hi Alimuzzaman,

    Well spotted!

    Yes, the problem lies in that Black can defend (although at great cost) with Rf7 if Rd7 is played first.

