Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Passing Of A Flawed Genius

May You Finally Find The Peace And Happiness
That Eluded You During Your Life.

When people talk about Robert James Fischer, they do so with mixed reactions, he was always very much the controversial figure.

The news of his sudden death brings about a permeating sadness that is hard to quell. Somewhere deep inside some of us, it's hard to reconcile with the man who helped brought chess to the center stage of the world in the 70s.

With his passing, we remember Bobby not because we mourn but because we celebrate his life, for what he gave to the chess world was immeasurable.

And it is his contributions, and by replaying his past chess games that the spirit of Robert James Fischer lives on.

Rest in peace, Bobby.


  1. yes, the greatest ever in chess...

    most eager for your reaction to my database, once you are back home, as you say, in February. :)

    hope this trip finds you and your wife well, and nice story about your uncle, was it...

    warmly, dk

  2. Very well put. As troubled a human being as Fischer was, his chess is what I choose to remember.

  3. dk,
    Thanks very much for your comments. I look forward to poring through your database.

    Take care.


