My finals exam was an absolute disaster and I failed to reach the 80% passing mark and had to resit, in other words, I failed. Major bummer. This means I have resit the exam within the next 2 weeks.
My performance on Wednesday night rapid chess was atrocious. I won 2 games (mostly due to my opponents making mistakes under time pressure) and lost my final game as White against Les Mikolajczyk (which I thoroughly deserved, no less).
Next Wednesday will see the end of this rapid chess competition and 3 weeks later, the start of the Classical competition.
I'm still limping along (yes, limping) on FICS and my Blitz rating has only gone up marginally from 1245 to 1280, showing I still need a lot of improvement.
I'll be getting some Tactics CD Training soon and once my exam is done, I will work on them.
In the meantime, because of work commitments, I can't go down and see the competition at Ryde Eastwood League club for the Ryde Eastwood Open this Labour Day weekend (as I have to work on Saturday and Monday).
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